Operation Gobble
Each year, my office provides turkeys and gift cards to thousands of families in the 48th Assembly District. In 2021, we hosted our 5th Annual Operation Gobble Turkey Giveaway event. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many constituents struggled to put food on their tables and celebrate Thanksgiving with a home cooked meal. We were grateful to partner with local stakeholders to provide these essential resources to our residents in need.
Holiday Toy Drive
During the holiday season, it is tradition that we host our annual Holiday Toy Drive in partnership with the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Every year, community partners and local leaders gather to donate hundreds of toys. With the help of our local fire station, children across the San Gabriel Valley wake up to presents under their tree on Christmas morning.
Veteran Jobs, Career and Resource Fair
For years, I have connected residents to employment opportunities by hosting job fairs in our district. We created partnerships with VFW, American Legion Posts, local businesses, and various departments to provide on-site interviews for hundreds of constituents and veterans in our community.
Financial Literacy Workshops
It is important that our residents become well versed in managing their financial responsibilities and are aware of common misconceptions. I was proud to host Financial Literacy Workshops across the 48th Assembly District and provide educational services to our constituents who need it the most.
Young Legislators Program
As a teacher and legislator, I understand the importance of educating our youth about local/state government and how policies can directly impact their quality of life. Each year, I invite 24 high school students to join our Young Legislators Program. It gives our youth the opportunity to become acquainted with the California State Legislature and integrate themselves within their local
communities through service.
Virtual Appointments Training Event
Female representation is important in all spaces, especially in government positions. I was proud to join California Women Lead to host several Appointment Workshops and share vital information regarding available seats on local/state boards and commissions. There is a great need for
women voices in these roles and I am very proud to help provide these opportunities.